Friday, March 28, 2014

Five on Friday

FIVE ON FRIDAY....BAM! Time to link up with Darci from The Good Life Blog and Natasha from Hello Happiness Blog. No rules...Post about 5 things. Anything goes :)


1.  My little stinker butt brought home the flu last weekend and took us down with her. It's going through school and daycare like crazy! We had a rough week, but at the end of the ordeal we had a little fun with bubbles :)
2.  I promise this won't be a completely depressing post, but if I'm going to write an honest post about my week, I need to include our news about our family dog. After a routine trip to the vet, we found out Little Furry Buddy has cancer in his mouth/throat. This news has completely consumed me and it has taken me several days to snap back to reality. I love this dog like a child and I have cried my eyes out ever since I have found out. These are just a few photos (I have MANY!!) of him that make my heart happy.
First day we brought him home....8 years ago.

My kids....
3.  On a lighter started this week so the Hubs is busy coaching the next few months. This means lots of one-on-one time with my Little Buddy. Here we are goofing around this week...
4.  The Hubs called me at work this week and left me a voice mail that left my heart racing. Apparently another car slid through a stop sign and hit him and Little Buddy on the way to daycare. Can this week be any more stressful?? There has been snow, freezing rain, sleet all week so the roads are terrible. I guess it wasn't a major accident, but still scary with Little Buddy in the car.
5.  My sister sent me a few videos and pictures of my niece this week. She will be turning 1 in April.This one was ADORABLE! I can't wait to see them in a few weeks :)

 I love that face! Thanks for stopping by to read my weekly ramblings. Enjoy your weekend!!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What I Wore

OMG...The flu hit our house and I only have 2 outfits to share on  WIWW with The Pleated Poppy. It was a rough week that required several days of pajamas.

Here is what I scraped together once I knew I was going to survive...
Spring has NOT arrived in MN!! I love seeing all of the fun flats and bright colors. However, it's still boots and scarves season here.
Ummmmm, I had trouble with my mirror standing up straight so I wedged Little Buddy's baby in the side. That is NOT an actual child pinned in between my mirror. :)

We're all feeling good now...I'll do better next week with my outfits!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday


I had no real plan for my link up this Friday....but this is what I put together. Linking up with  Darci from The Good Life Blog and Natasha from Hello Happiness Blog.


In no particular order....

1.  We made it out to the lake last weekend for the first time in months. Little Buddy had a chance to spend some time with her G and G. I now have MAJOR spring fever despite the fact there was still 9 feet of snow out there. 

Fresh air....spring is coming!!

One of us needs a nap...can you tell who?
2. I just recently discovered the world of blogging. One part I am loving is to see how people decorate for each holiday. I think it makes it so cozy and more of a special time for memories. I don't really have a mantle or place to decorate so here are just a few things for St. Patrick's Day on my table.

3.  Speaking of decorating...Little Buddy has her 2nd birthday coming up. She didn't have a 1st birthday party due to back to back storms, an unexpected surgery in the family, and a joyous adoption. I plan to shop for some decorations this weekend and here is my inspiration....on a MUCH smaller scale. 
Pink AND Chevron!!!

A little busy...but still love the colors!
4.  It's warming up a bit so I pulled a chair out into our 3 season room and just spent some time enjoying our new house...
This is why I feel in love with this house....

I'm only 4 chapters in and I'm hooked!!!!
5.  Little Buddy got home so I had to put my book down and read with her. 
LOVE these moments....
Have a great weekend!! Thanks for stopping by for Koffee :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Five on Friday

YES!! Friday! Linking up with 5 on Friday with Darci from The Good Life Blog and Natasha from Hello Happiness Blog. Here are my 5 thoughts/events of the week!

1.  My sister and her husband adopted a baby almost a year ago. My sister is a breast cancer survivor and I couldn't be more proud of her. We don't see them much, but thanks to Face Time, the girls get a chance to chat over the phone. It's adorable. I hope they grow up to be best buddies.

I'm in love...

That face...OMG
2.  One of my favorite things to do is get my hair done. It felt SO good to be pampered. 
Gossip magazines! YES!
 It's hard to sneak in selfies without getting caught by others :)
Sometimes you have to look worse before you look better...

 Final product :)
Chocolate and Caramels....LOVE IT!
3.  My best buddy had a birthday this week :) Super fun! I ALWAYS get my friends the same gift; scarf and earrings. If you have time to leave a comment, PLEASE let me know your "go to" gift when shopping for friends. I need new ideas!!
Birthday gift for my...

Birthday Buddy :)
4.  I am doing a behavior challenge in my classroom. I stole the idea from Andrea. My students are earning marshmallows in their mug from their positive behavior. We will be having hot chocolate on St. Patrick's Day. I think their mugs turned out super cute :)
Marshmallow Challenge

How adorable is this? Sponge Bob!!
5.  I have MANY excuses not to run these days. This is my latest excuse as to why I can't get on my treadmill. 

Stinker butt. :))
Thanks for stopping by for Koffee :) Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cooking Lesson

First time linking up for Tuesday Tea with Sam, Khala, ReneƩ, and Jenni! Check them out:

I don't cook...and yet I want to host dinner parties with fancy dishes, decorations, and delicious foods. I would even settle for appetizers and wine. I have never had any real interest in learning how to make a decent meal even though I have big dreams of hosting dinner parties. I now have an even better reason to learn; Little Buddy needs to grow up learning basic cooking skills. It pains me to know she never sees me in the kitchen. Today is the day that I will start to learn the basics. 

A glass of wine never hurts :)

 My first step was to gather ALL of my ingredients. Chicken. Check. Pan. Check. 
I need to start slow. Make no judgements.
Raw chicken...OMG SO GROSS!!
I don't think she has much hope for me. I think she is fake sleeping to avoid having to eat what I'm cooking. Who am I kidding...all I want to do is join to the fake sleeping party.

Here is my cooking instructor and "cheer team" waiting patiently. 

And now, not so patiently...

I made some steamers in the trusty microwave.  I'm NOT ready to manage two things at once. You get chicken. That's it. And maybe toast.

Ready for my taste tester....

I'm not sure why but Little Buddy demanded to drink from her cup without the cover. I kept waiting for the mess...but actually she did pretty good.

I know it wasn't fancy or complicated but it's a (small) step in getting over my fear of the kitchen. I'm having a proud moment cooking my family a little supper. :)We are all having some late night cereal because none of us got enough to eat. HA
Success. Sort of.