Friday, June 20, 2014

5 on Friday

Trying to do a 5 on Friday linkup, but I don't think the linky tool (it's actually called that - I didn't make up the term linky to be cute) is working.
Either way...ATTEMPTING TO link up with Natasha at Hello Happiness
1. Summer. This isn't going to be a summer of big travels or big adventures, rather it's going to be made up of small moments that are already turning out to be special memories. I'm loving the time with my Little Buddy. Every day she surprises me with something new.

 Here's a glimpse into our summer...
"Riding" Bike
My turn for a ride :)

Trip to the library
Trip to the park
Nightly snuggles....and yes, penguin jammies in June. She picks them our herself :)

Really...does it get better than this?
And of course...a little lake time!

Scrabble and Wine....only at the lake :)

2. Recipes. What the heck do people do with their recipes? Me? I write them on random scraps of paper, slop all over them when I actually cook something, and stuff them in a drawer when I'm finished.  I cringe every time I open the drawer and hope what I'm looking for is close to the top. I'm seriously lazy when it comes to anything, I'm organizing this mess.

3. Projects. We have about 4250 projects going right now...but we now have central air installed, some landscaping done, and our garage is (almost) organized. We made another trip to Lowes today...

Heading to Lowes. Yes, I know. The 80s called and they want their tied denim shirt back.
We put Little Buddy in the car shopping cart. She was adorable in there driving the car, but maybe not 58 cell phone photos cute. oops. Here's 1....of 58. hahah
She drove the entire time :)
I found some patio cushions I liked so I brought them home to try. I need a bigger rug, but I had this one in the garage so I threw it out there for now. 

4. Dishes. I have a helper with the dishes now too. Melt my heart. 

I might eat her up!
5. Books and Wine. I ordered a book today due to a recommendation from a friend. I'm looking forward to reading this...

And this is my new favorite wine. A good book, glass of wine, and my new patio cushions on my 3 season porch. Lovin' summer :)

Enjoy your weekend!

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